The reopening of tourist destinations in the world advances: UNWTO

UNWTO announced that as of July 19, 40% of world tourist destinations have relaxed restrictions on access for international tourists

The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) issued a new report in which it revealed the evolution that the opening of tourist destinations around the world is having.

In that sense, he mentioned that as of May 15, the easing had only reached 3% of destinations, a month later it was already at 22% and by July 19 this indicator was already at 40%. This is a good sign of the recovery of the sector, according to the Organization.

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"The latest data [...] confirm the trend towards a slow but continuous adaptation and a responsible restart of international tourism."

Cautiously reopening

The UNWTO report made some important precessions about the characteristics of this reopening. In the first instance, he detailed that of the 87 destinations that have made access measures more flexible, only 4 have completely lifted the restrictions. The other 83 maintain measures such as the partial closure of borders.

The leadership of the UNWTO applauds this gradual and responsible reopening while urging to work on articulating international cooperation mechanisms that encourage the confidence of travelers. This was expressed by Zurab Pololikashvili, Secretary General of the UNWTO.

“The restart of tourism can be undertaken in a responsible way while safeguarding public health and business and employment.

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“While moving towards the relaxation of travel restrictions, international cooperation is of vital importance, because in this way world tourism can gain the trust of people, an essential foundation to adapt, working together, to the new reality to the that we face”.

Those who are still closed

On the other hand, the UNWTO recognized that 115 destinations keep their borders closed to international tourism and 88 have already reached 3 months in that condition.


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